
ST Tubular fabric treatment

0 1 .Description

Automatic system for the opening of knitted tubular fabric rope, squeezes and applies chemical product, reguarizes the width of the tube. The baloon is created immediately below the detwister, the fabric way results drastically shortened with the elimination of stress and tension. Its highest production speed. lowest residual moisture, without employing opening rings which may permanently damage the fabric, make this machine an inimitable model for over 20 years.


0 2 .Components


Turntable with hydraulic control. The hydraulic system is positioned externally.

Corino De-Twister

Intelligent element of every Corino opening systems. Keeps rope twists at the front and can control a turntable for the elimination of the twists. Matchless sensitivity, the stainless steel construction reduces the maintenance to the minimum.

Twist control

The only system that allows to orientatate the fabric courses as desired, composed by two special rollers with variable skew enable the axial rotation of the tube changing its spirality

Magnetic expander

The adjustable magnetic stretcher, equipped with overfeed system, controls the width of the tubular fabric, preparing it for the drying process.


Tank for the preparation of the products to be applied to the fabrics. Complete of automatic feeding system.

0 3 .Informations

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